
Exploring the playful dynamic between ego and reality, Amanda Keeles’ latest single, “Playin' It Cool,” dives into the flipside of a classic story where the guy with the big ego doesn't get the girl. The song captures the humorous yet relatable struggle of trying to get someone's attention while maintaining a cool exterior. With a 90's-infused Country-Rock beat and infectious, easy to sing along to rhythm.
Videography: Roadhouse Productions
"This song sums it up for me. I wrote "Can't Stop Me Now" as I really cannot describe this journey any other way. The bold changes I made, the empowering feeling of doing what I love, and shaking things up to find that inner happiness.. which for me is creating music. - Amanda Keeles
**FCLMA 2024 Music Video of the Year** **2024 Toronto Independent Film Festival "Best Music Video"**
Finalist Los Angeles Film Awards "Best Music Video'. Finalist New York Independant Film Festival
Videographer Jake Sauve & Roadhouse Productions. Originally written on the piano and brought to life in a highly collaborative studio environment, Amanda Keeles' "Saving Grace" is the stunning third single from Keeles' upcoming debut album "Can't Stop Me Now". Recorded at MCC Recording Studio's, Calgary AB, and produced by Grammy and CCMA multi nominated Johnny Gasparic. Keeles collaborates once again by Juno and CCMA award winner on bass player Chris Byrne (The Road Hammers), CCMA nominated Keith Floen on keyboards and Therry Lawson on harmony (The Travelling Mabels), Juno and CCMA nominated Joe MacIntyre on drums (Duane Steele) and Johnny Gasparic on lead guitar.
Uniting classic Country influences with modern instrumentation, "Saving Grace" blends Pop sensibilities with a dash of Rock to create a song that both tells a story, and evokes the feeling that reminiscing about a past love brings. "Saving Grace" opens with just acoustic guitar and drums, and quickly builds to include a striking, hard-to-forget electric guitar riff that flows throughout the song. - Bad Parade
Amanda Keeles’ latest single “Saving Grace,” is more than just a song. It’s a testament to resilience, following one’s dreams, and finding joy in unexpected places. This modern country track skillfully blends classic country influences with contemporary instrumentation, creating a musical experience that’s both nostalgic and fresh. - Front Porch Music
His Perception was recorded at MCC Studios, Calgary, Alberta. Produced by CCMA nominated Johnny Gasparic. Written by Amanda, the power ballad was recently picked up by SiriusXM Radio Top of the Country and streaming on top Spotify playlists. She is joined by CCMA award winner on bass player Justin Kudding (Brett Kissel), CCMA nominated Keith Floen on keyboards and Therry Lawson on harmony (The Travelling Mabels), Juno and CCMA nominated Joe MacIntyre on drums (Duane Steele) and Johnny Gasparic on lead guitar.
A song about the belief in fate, "His Perception" is a fusion of Country and Classic Rock that employs well-crafted storytelling to underscore the importance of perspective when faced with adversity. Inspired by a conversation about the dearth of songwriting from a male viewpoint, Keeles, who typically draws from personal experiences in her songwriting, challenged herself to adopt a male perspective and crafted "His Perception".- Bad Parade